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Televue 17.3mm Delos  :) .


Thanks to Mick for getting this shipped in for me along with his larger batch of these superb eyepieces :thumbsup:

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Televue 17.3mm Delos  :) .


Thanks to Mick for getting this shipped in for me along with his larger batch of these superb eyepieces :thumbsup:


You are more then welcome.

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I managed to bag a pair of Visionary 8X25 wetland bino's for £16 off Preloved. Ideal for a quick scan or getting the scope to the right spot.



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Cazz you do remember the blue field is strictly no dogs dont you :(


The dog situation was very confusing last year.  After we cancelled going due the no dogs on the blue field rule, it was said that there were lots of dogs on the blue field, so we contacted Kelling and were told that the blue field is used as a dog overflow only during this event if the red field is all booked, therefore explaining why there were dogs on it. 

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No Caz, when i block book they told me quite categorically there are no dogs on the blue field as that is where some folks who

dont like dogs book specifically  Their rules state no dogs on that field.  I was asked at one point if we minded and I said we

would follow the rules so as not to upset anyone else who had booked on other parts of the blue field, and they seemed happy with that

we discussed it on here last year and decided this was the best way.  I dont want to affect the fact that we can get a block booking

if someone else complains about EMS.  I had thought this was cleared up last year but Daz is going to put a post

on the thread so there is no misunderstandings from anyone :)  It should be clear to all then.  We do not have individual bookings they are

all listed as EMS under my name and I then pass the references on.



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Sorry Sheila but Cazz isnt in the block booking though is she? She is independant of us surely, so you are covered on their requirements.

And Cazz has their word from last year.

The fact that she is a member of ems is nowt to do with Kelling.

Edited by philjay
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Sorry Sheila but Cazz isnt in the block booking though is she? She is independant of us surely, so you are covered on their requirements.

And Cazz has their word from last year.

The fact that she is a member of ems is nowt to do with Kelling.



It is all sorted out so dont worry :)

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I've just had delivery of the skywatcher 28mm 2" eyepiece, the £30 one that was split from a scope set that FLO supply.


I hope to try it out tonight.

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Nice one Steven - looking forward to the first light review - they do seem to pack a punch for a bargain basement price. :)

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Just got hold of a second hand 10mm Delos eyepiece.

Its a beauty !!  :)

Bit on the big side for binoviewing, maybe too big. 

But it's such a lovely bit of glass. I'm very impressed with it.

I'll keep a look out for another, but no hurry.....


20167589889_9c5b15ec4b.jpgUntitled by

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Baader 2" fully correct image 90 degree Amici prism.


Show me links and pictures PLEASE.


Nice one Rob you won't be disappointed with the 10mm Delos. Love the back drop BTW very retro looking  :lol:

Edited by Doc
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This is the one Mick, it has a full 40mm clear aperture, the widest available in an erecting prism. It looks identical to the discontinued William Optics one but with a different body colour. I wouldn't be surprised if this one is discontinued soon, as it probably comes from the same factory as the WO...


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Just got hold of a second hand 10mm Delos eyepiece.

Its a beauty !!  :)

Bit on the big side for binoviewing, maybe too big. 

But it's such a lovely bit of glass. I'm very impressed with it.

I'll keep a look out for another, but no hurry.....


20167589889_9c5b15ec4b.jpgUntitled by [url=]

Rob, your picture shows the difference between chintzy and not chintzy :)

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This is the one Mick, it has a full 40mm clear aperture, the widest available in an erecting prism. It looks identical to the discontinued William Optics one but with a different body colour. I wouldn't be surprised if this one is discontinued soon, as it probably comes from the same factory as the WO...



Thanks Pete.


Might get one of these soon as well. I'll get a 2"-1.25" click lock to go with it as well.

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Thanks Pete.


Might get one of these soon as well. I'll get a 2"-1.25" click lock to go with it as well.

Hope you have plenty of back focus with your big focuser, you'll need it with the click lock in the train as well.

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I could have worded that better.

When you put in the amici, the light path will be longer than your average 2" mirror diagonal, and then adding the click lock will increase it even further, so you might end up with the focuser racked right in to achieve focus. You may not be able to rack it in close enough to get focus on some eyepieces.

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Edmund Scientific RKE 28mm and Orion Light shroud for 14".


The RKE has good reviews, particularly the 28mm with nebs and open clusters Pete, nice one ðŸ‘

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I could have worded that better.

When you put in the amici, the light path will be longer than your average 2" mirror diagonal, and then adding the click lock will increase it even further, so you might end up with the focuser racked right in to achieve focus. You may not be able to rack it in close enough to get focus on some eyepieces.

And i think using Delos may exacerbate the focusing issue still further.

I'm assuming Delos require extra 'out' travel to reach focus as they are such a big one and a quarter. (i may be wrong though....?)


Ironically i have the opposite issue.

Insufficient out focus. 

I can't reach focus with the 31mm Nagler  with my big WO 2" mirror diagonal.

I'm about 5mm short even with the focuser fully racked out. I either have to use an extender (bit of a faff) 

or....unseat the diagonal, and / or the eyepiece a little bit.


I have loads of infocus travel, which is good for bino-viewing.

I can even add the Baader Hershel wedge into the lightpath and still (just) reach focus, without ant form of amplification.

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Yes, apparently it is supposed to be pretty good even in shorter focal ratio scopes and was first available way back in 1977. Some say RKE means Reverse Kellner Eyepiece or Rank Kellner Eyepiece, but apparently there is a patent calling it a Rank Kaspereit Erfle. It was designed by a Dr. David Rank of Edmund Scientific who modified the Kaspereit and Erfle designs to produce it.

I wanted it after reading that this particular eyepiece is well noted for producing an unusual floating image effect seemingly just hanging in mid air above the eyepiece. A few reviewers have raved about this effect. It seems there are just a couple of other longish focal length eyepieces that produce it, but the RKE is the best.

We shall see :)

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And i think using Delos may exacerbate the focusing issue still further.

I'm assuming Delos require extra 'out' travel to reach focus as they are such a big one and a quarter. (i may be wrong though....?)


Ironically i have the opposite issue.

Insufficient out focus. 

I can't reach focus with the 31mm Nagler  with my big WO 2" mirror diagonal.

I'm about 5mm short even with the focuser fully racked out. I either have to use an extender (bit of a faff) 

or....unseat the diagonal, and / or the eyepiece a little bit.


I have loads of infocus travel, which is good for bino-viewing.

I can even add the Baader Hershel wedge into the lightpath and still (just) reach focus, without ant form of amplification.

Your scope and Docs scope are high quality imaging scopes so giving them big strong focusers to carry heavy weights and still leaving lots of room to hang stuff off the end with extension tubes if necessary has to be an advantage.

My low quality ST120 with its lightweight focuser is more likely to have insufficient in focus as it is really not designed for much more than using lightweight standard eps, diagonals or maybe just a basic camera setup. I can see me having to cut several centimetres off my OTA and refit the focuser to accommodate the amici. On a cheap scope like mine, I'm happy to do that.

I think Doc should be OK with the amici prisms longer light path, but the click lock as well may be a few millimetres too much. He just needs to measure where different eps focus in the amici to see if enough space is left to add in the click lock. Might be tight.

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They also have a bit of a cult following in the binoviewing world Pete for the very reason you said.


Very attractive price tag too....i see on their website they have 2 options : a mounted version and an unmounted version ?

Do you know what this means.....?  :chin_scratch2:


I'm not so sure about the 45deg fov though.....

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